waiting for humanity – NM premiere at SHIFT DANCE | FESTIVAL 2018

in response to the lack of consideration and care for plants and trees, soil, water, and animals, waiting for humanity is an attempt to induce humankind to consider and assume responsibility of stewardship, revitalization and care for our sacred Earth, before all else.  If we – humans/animals – do not care for the Earth first, our civic issues have no bearing, for this is where we exist.  Privilege, currency, freedoms, and rights have no matter if our Earth is suffocated by consumerism and capitalist values.

waiting for humanity is one section of a larger work currently in progress with Ana Lopes Aréchiga.

waiting for humanity              

choreography/performance: lisa nevada

dramaturge: Ana Lopes Aréchiga

music: “Nocturne” by Kevin Paul

light design: Josh Bien

photo credit: Christopher Melton